The 8 Connect Ecosystem for Web Optimization
Building a website is like building a house. If the foundations and structures were not built right, no amount of renovation or decorating (SEO Optimization) is going to make it a beautiful house. A reasonably good SEO consultant would be able assemble the right wordpress installation with the right themes and a combination of right tools. However, this will probably cost a fair bit as it would require a substantial amount of effort on their end. To find out if your website has the right foundations and structures, just do a quick check on Google pagespeed insights.
Remember to check this yearly/half-yearly as upgrades to browsers and search algorithms can sometimes cause this to degrade.
FirstSite by 8 Connect Consulting is fully optimized for Google pagespeed and hosted on Amazon web services. With a lifetime of free upgrades, you'll never have to worry about your website's foundations and structures.
Google's Keyword Tool
is a good starting point to compile that list of keywords. We suggesting finding a list of about 10 words relevant to your business and another 5 more extra words. Making a list of about 10-15 words. Write content relevant to the 10-15 words into your website from step 1. Next, create a link building plan to share your links and content to social media and even trade content with other bloggers.
Steamcreative has a comprehensive guide
to getting this done. Also check out the free SEO tools that we provide.
For our clients and partners, we've developed a competitor search engine analysis tool (IMBA) that can help you get this done. While others are manually figuring which keywords works best, our clients get ahead with insights on their competitor's SEO strategies.
Just like maintaining a house, you will need to both maintain the decorative aspects (keyword effectiveness and other marketing effectiveness indexes) and the foundations (website codes and structure). Having a website is not a fire and forget process. It can be but it is usually not for most businesses.
Our clients and partners can spend all their efforts on the improving the effectiveness of their marketing (keywords). FirstSite is built and maintained to be optimised for Google and other search engines. While you will not need to manage the modify the technical foundations, you will want to create new content so that you are more discoverable over time.
Winning on SEO is not just about SEO. What you are really trying to get to is not only becoming listed first on Google, but to be discoverable whenever your target customer is looking for you/your service on search. The reality is that top professionals rely close to zero on SEO - Article by SEOBook. There are other strategies including referrals and social selling, that will help you find and convert clients. If you are still overly concerned with beating the competition on SEO, just ask yourself if you have ever engaged a doctor or financial adviser just using search alone.